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Tolerance Posters

The Tolerance Project is a traveling poster collection that celebrates and honors the starting point of all meaningful discourse: tolerance. Free, flexible, and ever-expanding, the Tolerance Project has brought a message of social acceptance to more than 100,000 people in twenty-four countries worldwide. Artists from each nation are asked only to illustrate the word “tolerance” in their native language. The posters appear in public spaces—in parks, on university campuses, even on buses—thus engaging with a wide cross-section of the population. It’s all part of starting a conversation about inclusion, which can only begin with a foundation of tolerance — and spreading respect in a world increasingly split by race, religion, sexuality, and national origin.

Initiated by
New York based graphic designer and illustrator Mirko Ilić in 2017

Curated by
Karl Ericksen
Mel Malguy

Supported by
Will Kuria
Will Yang

Exhibition Dates
Sept 5 — 19, 2019

Over 100 designers from around the world


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© MICAGD Archives 2020